Cosmic Downloads and Galactic Urgings ~ 15 Sep 2023

Over the next ten days or so, a notable annual galactic pattern commences, hinged upon the very center of our solar system. Every year, hereabouts, the Sun in Virgo squares the Galactic Center’s Sagittarian coordinates (20 September), then following his ingress in Libra, the Sun proceeds to precisely align with the Super Galactic Center (ZS, 25 September). Given the Sun is the largest object in our solar system and considering that he engages two super-massive black holes, the effect of these transits is huge. This trend is in effect now through essentially the first week of October.

As the Virgo Sun angles to the Galactic Center, the classic downloads free of charge from the supermassive black hole that is our galactic core increase. Of course, given the Virgoan nature of the Sun, there is a matter of discernment. One might wonder if the information received is useful, or merely a distraction. Since the source is a supermassive black hole, it does one well to assume the information possesses utility, whether realized in this moment or a short time jump later. Write down all insights and tantalizing tidbits regardless of how those data bits fill in cosmic details of the moment. Discriminate against no idea, even if and especially if, you see no immediate application. Soon, such as when the Sun enters Sagittarius in a few months, a rereading of these thoughts and insights likely makes remarkable sense and useful applications can be found all over the place.

Galactic Center information streams into the consciousness of any person electing to point their receptors toward the source. It’s free. It’s a cosmic gift, so can anyone claim it? Actually, yes. Those downloading, processing, ingesting, determining and promulgating information can claim they came up with these ideas based upon galactic source material. Once one downloads insights and works them into original thought, ownership of the concepts, teaching and protocols can be claimed and sanctioned by the Galactic Center.

One may assume the cosmic powers need individuals with the patience and processing skills to download and percolate upon galactic goodies. Without such seers and interpreters, could the information’s utility be exploited? So, if you’re a downloading and grooving upon galactic goodies sort of Earthling, you may reckon the cosmos sanctions your use of its inspiration.

Galactic downloads far exceed the potential of the current state of Artificial Intelligence (AI). It will take AI quite some time to compile a database of galactic information, which must first be compiled by one with consciousness. Whether AI ultimately possesses the discernment to properly assimilate cosmic information and compile derivative conclusions remains to be seen. However, it makes total sense that hearings and advocacy for and against AI occur with great regularity and with emphatic conviction in this ongoing era stimulated by the shedding of light and promotion of conscious attention as the Sun naturally renders.

With the season change and the Sun entering Libra, connection with cosmic kinfolk becomes the galactic theme. Apply what feels like gravitational instinct to all relationships, past, current and those yet to come. On an atomic level particles know what other particles they are attracted to and repelled from. Quite simply, notice the pulls and pushes of gravitational forces as they groove upon or seek to retreat from other persons. Those with whom there is an irresistible draw operate with you organically to pursue objectives that benefit the souls of all involved. During this era, be as true to yourself as you can and trust that those entering your sphere of influence do so for a reason. Graciously accept support and cooperation. Freely share and combine recent galactic downloads with those you instinctively know hold similar objectives and parallel tracks.

Who knows where those new spontaneous “coincidental” connections will support you in going?

Then, another question formulates. With all the personal planets direct and all classical outer planets retracing steps while retrograde, how’s the strategy going to make something awesome out of what remains of the year? As work contact agreements love to report, “time is of the essence” while compiling creative tasks to heap up into major accomplishments. This is one of those times. As noted in the previous SkyScraping post, those throbbing with passion and purpose naturally ride intense waves with grace and determination. Objectives become realized and sustained.

The retrograde outer planets insists on revisions, edits, rewrites, redos, fixes, repairs and applying permanent solutions to temporary fixes. Given the personal planets’ prograde potential, inspiration and the instinct to engage inspirations sooner than later, self imposed tripping hazards are less likely to appear. This is a time to assimilate more, overthink less, delay not at all, and slalom around potential hazards as if they are part of the course that leads to certain victory.

Enjoy the process of the time, the change of the season, the balance of light and the progress at hand.

More soon.

It certainly is a complicated time. A consultation or a series of consultations can certainly work to apply recent insights and apply those to your chart under the influence of the current transits. Or a Galactic Report may fill in bits of guiding information. The option to ask a personal question or two is also an option. The links below will get you to the right place to get astrology working on your side to sort out twists of the time. Click on!